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Access Controls and Intercom

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Access controls and intercom – the control is in your hands

An entrance system to a building / private house or business is an essential need that has several meanings, the most important of which is the safety meaning –
preventing the entry of unauthorized and / or unwanted parties .

In addition, in businesses the system is also important in terms of order and organization without the need to employ a dedicated person (guard), thanks to the control it exerts on the number of entrants, as well as on the exit and entry movement of employees.

Installing the system allows homeowners or business owners a convenient conduct , as there is no need to physically reach the door to open it; The opening is done remotely , or by giving prior access to authorized persons.

The intercom and access control systems integrate with each other when the need to control the opening of the front door and identify those seeking to enter.

Using the intercom, you can see and / or talk to the person who wants to enter and perform the opening remotely in a number of ways:

  • Using a proximity reader (chip)
  • Enter an access code
  • Biometric identification
  • And via a dedicated phone or button.

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Koren Buildings and Systems Ltd. specializes in the installation of intercom systems and access controls that excel in their high quality and are manufactured by the best leading companies in the field.
The experience and knowledge accumulated in the company in installing control systems of this type, enable it to assist its customers and advise them which system and which operating method will constitute the best answer to their needs.

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